God never called his people to step back
He's always called us to step up!
ABOUT the Step Up Campaign
During the five years we’ve been meeting at the old Prairie Rock building, God placed in our hearts a goal to reach 1,000 people in our city. The Step Up Campaign is an opportunity for our church family to come together and raise five-hundred thousand dollars over a period of 3 years in order to serve, bless, and help more people know Jesus in our city.
Through the Step Up Campaign, we will be able to:
• Create more space for people to worship and hear the good news of Jesus.
• Expand and upgrade our children’s ministry areas
• Provide space for our growing ‘Vibe’ youth ministry
• Offer additional ‘felt need’ ministries such as Debt Free Living and Marriage Enrichment (meeting felt needs leads them to their greatest need, JESUS!).
• Create a coffee house environment as outreach to the community
• Begin a center for the arts to connect with flourishing arts community emerging in downtown Elgin.
And the coolest part about all of this? It’s at one of the highest-traffic areas located in the center of downtown Elgin. You can’t get more central than that!
People right here in Elgin need Jesus. So we’re all about the numbers at Discovery. Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God. If it matters to God then is has to matter to us! But it can’t happen if we don’t STEP UP. And that’s what this campaign is all about.
Is GIVING to Step Up Your Next Step?
We have a saying around Discovery when it comes to generosity. “It’s not about what we want from you. It’s what we want for you.” This campaign is no different.
Are You Ready To Be A Part Of Reaching 1,000 People In Our City
And Seeing Changed Lives?
Will You Step Up In Faith And See The Vision Become A Reality?